The women and their questions told by escorts in London

Escorts in London - XLondon CityWomen talk, talk and talk. And when you feel the silence they are still talking. But the worst is that in this talking of them they are also asking questions. Too many questions. They are so many that you start to think that there is no way to repeat them, but there are some questions that are somehow common for all women. Here we from XLondon City we will use our escorts in London to explain them and to help you find out the right answer and attitude when in certain conversations.

Escorts in London are amazing ladies, who are also professional companions and they know best everything about women and their silly habits. And who if not escorts in London can give you a professional advice about how to win a woman’s heart. Let’s all trust them and hear what they have to comment on all these popular questions and the best answers.

What to wear?

This is the most popular and annoying question that women ask, and here is the advise of escorts in London: If you are with her there is not such a problem what she will wear, right? Say some learned expression like “you look great wearing anything” and end this silly harassment. For sure for you is best if she is with less clothes or some that are showing more flesh. Well if you are going out in front of other people. We know that this is cliché but it works, otherwise escorts in London are saying that this will save you from all the questions that follow – colour, shoes, bag, hair and so on.

Are you going to watch football right now, really?

Isn’t it obvious that we don’t choose when these events are happening? It is all in life, real time and we want to watch it in real time, not recorded. So let’s just make her accept that her silly shows are recording and can be watched anytime, but the life events like football are live and they have to be watched live.

We have said it many times, and escorts in London are just reminding us that they would never stay between you and the football match. Escorts in London from XLondon City can go further and actually be with you and be your sexy companion on any football game that you invite her. And believe us the best way to watch football is in the company of escorts in London.

Are you listening to me?

The answer should be “Of course yes!” without even taking a breath before answering. We and escorts in London know that this actually mean “Of course not!”, especially if she talks for more than 15 minutes about something that doesn’t bother you. Of course there is no way to make something to eat, to listen to the results from the Premier League, to drink beer and to read the messages from your mates and at the same time and at the same time to listen to her with a 100% of your attention. And all that because she is telling you all the “important” thigs that has happened during the day. To tell you honest you would never have this problem with escorts in London, but we will let you decide for yourself after you spend some time with one of our gorgeous escorts in London.

Escorts in London say that women love to ask “do you know what day it is today?”

It is better if you know the date and say that straight away. But escorts in London will teach that if you don’t Amazing And Beautiful Escorts in Londonknow what date it is a great occasion for her to tell you. An anniversary of the date you first met. An anniversary of your first dinner together. An anniversary from your first real dinner. An anniversary of your first visit at her house. An anniversary from your first sex together. An anniversary of your first cinema together. An anniversary of your first “real” cinema together. An anniversary of the first time she met your parents and you met hers. No you don’t remember these dates and you never will. But again to remind you that with escorts in London you don’t need to remember any silly dates. Escorts in London can be different girls every night or at least every month so no need to remember other things.

Escorts in London will never ask you with how many women you have been with before that.

But every other woman will ask you this question and if you say 2-3 she will decide that you have no experience or at least not enough to be with her or you are lying and you are not honest person. If the number is something like 30 to 50 she will decide that you are lying again and that you accept women for objects and you are awful man. The thing again is that escorts in London don’t need these numbers at all, and they won’t ask. But even if you decide to tell them, escorts in London won’t be judging you on this information. And please don’t count the number of escorts in London that you have been with, leave it a secret.

Who is this girl from Facebook/Instagram/Twitter?

We will try to explain that situation and silly question with one joke from escorts in London archive. The escorts in London told us this real story: The men asks the wife “Honey, are you ok?” she answers “Yes”, “What is going on are you angry at me?”, she says “No” the he asks her for a kiss “Give me a kiss honey” and then the girl pulls away from him and shouts “Go to have a kiss from that woman that likes all your Facebook posts.”

Tender Brunette Babe From XLondon City EscortsIsn’t that a real story from every single one of your life? Escorts in London won’t bother even checking your Facebook as they may not even know your real name. Most escorts in London don’t care about your personal life and only care about your date and how you treat them.

What are you thinking for?

Escorts in London are giving a great example that if a man asks a women this question and she says that she thinks for nothing then he stops asking any more questions. Because obviously she doesn’t want to tell you or somehow has gone into an empty cycle of her mind. But escorts in London are asking what will happen if the woman asks the men the same question and the answer is the same, then she will start a whole interrogation which will not end soon. Obviously escorts in London don’t care so much about your thoughts and if you really have any at a certain time or you just don’t want to share them with the lady.

Do you think that we are not talking about our relationship enough?

No I don’t think and escorts in London are supporting you in this answer. Most of the ladies in our lives adore to ask questions like “Now, is our relationship serious?”, “When are you going to meet me with your parents?”, “When will we start to live together?”, “Will you offer me to marry you?”, “Do you want me to be the mother of your children?” and all sort of silly clichés. The easiest way according to escorts in London to scare a man is for her to start asking questions and to push him to the limit.

But if you want a hassle free relationship with beautiful ladies without all the unnecessary questions and troubles, just book escorts in London from us XLondon City Escorts for just £100 per hour all over the city and the surrounding area.

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